Reclaiming Wit
So, this is my feeble attempt at a blog. I've heard too many complains that I need to post my thoughts somewhere, so I'm giving in. Mind you, this is my second attempt in the past two years or so, so we will see how long this lasts. And frankly, Cynthia is having too much fun on her "blurty" that I couldn't in good faith let her experience all the fun alone.
Since I began living in Miami, I've realized that I'm honestly not that funny anymore. Perhaps its a function of the fact that all my people are now scattered across the country and not around to draw my fabulousness out or perhaps its a function of the fact that I just LOVE MIAMI. Riiight. And since I'm now working in the women's studies department at FIU (it's my TA position) and they are all just obsessed with the fact they got the rights to the Vagina Monologues, I've decided that I'm going to reclaim something and it doesn't start with a "c". Reclaiming wit. I need to for my own well-being. Cynthia pointed out that I really ought wear some absolutely obnoxious t-shirt around the department. I found what it should say watching Chris Rock the other night. "Women need food, water, compliments...and an occasional pair of shoes." Oh they'd love that.
I'm not watching the debates tonight. I've pretty much made up my mind and frankly I don't care to watch the prospective VPs ignore each other and talk with the moderator which serves as a great substitute for talking to the people. Can't wait for the Bush-Kerry "Town Hall" Debate. Anyways...I'm watching baseball. The Yankees need all of my attention as it is and honestly, watching A-Rod is better than any politician any day. He doesn't have to talk...he just hits a ball and runs his sexy ass around those bases...he couldn't offend me even if he tried. It's precious.
It's time for food and the never ending onslaught of work.
Quote of the week: (overhead on FIU's campus) Guy 1: "I just love absolutely everything about women" Guy 2: "So what does that make you?" Guy 1: "That makes me a BAAADDDD AASSSSSSSS!!!"
Since I began living in Miami, I've realized that I'm honestly not that funny anymore. Perhaps its a function of the fact that all my people are now scattered across the country and not around to draw my fabulousness out or perhaps its a function of the fact that I just LOVE MIAMI. Riiight. And since I'm now working in the women's studies department at FIU (it's my TA position) and they are all just obsessed with the fact they got the rights to the Vagina Monologues, I've decided that I'm going to reclaim something and it doesn't start with a "c". Reclaiming wit. I need to for my own well-being. Cynthia pointed out that I really ought wear some absolutely obnoxious t-shirt around the department. I found what it should say watching Chris Rock the other night. "Women need food, water, compliments...and an occasional pair of shoes." Oh they'd love that.
I'm not watching the debates tonight. I've pretty much made up my mind and frankly I don't care to watch the prospective VPs ignore each other and talk with the moderator which serves as a great substitute for talking to the people. Can't wait for the Bush-Kerry "Town Hall" Debate. Anyways...I'm watching baseball. The Yankees need all of my attention as it is and honestly, watching A-Rod is better than any politician any day. He doesn't have to talk...he just hits a ball and runs his sexy ass around those bases...he couldn't offend me even if he tried. It's precious.
It's time for food and the never ending onslaught of work.
Quote of the week: (overhead on FIU's campus) Guy 1: "I just love absolutely everything about women" Guy 2: "So what does that make you?" Guy 1: "That makes me a BAAADDDD AASSSSSSSS!!!"
Oh, girl, you don't know HOW happy this makes me.
Thank G(g)od I can stalk you 24/7 now. Too completely cerebrally exhausted to contribute any wit, but keep up this bloggin' and you'll get it. We WILL draw the fabulousness out of each other, even if we have to do it virtually, damn it!
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