Friday, October 08, 2004

All is good in the world

I found the one place in Miami where they consistenly only speak English. The Post Office. I heart you. There's not even a hit of that horrible Miami accent; it's pure, unadulterated English. I was so besides myself with excitement that I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time I was there. They talked about baseball (in English), the horrible lines (in English), and mailing crap (IN ENGLISH!!!!!!). Do you think it would be odd if I showed up there everyday just to say hi? It is open until 6pm, so I can probably make it back from FIU each day just to have quality post office time.

All is good in the world again. I went shopping after I got out of work and found a lovely little day spa tucked behind the Old Navy. I got my eyebrows waxed and they look good. happy sigh. Now all I have to do is get my haircut there. Seriously, it was a good life decision.

I found out last night that A-Rod is from Miami. I tried to come up with reasons to hate him but failed because he redeemed himself by being born in NY. Seriously though, he met his wife in a gym in Coconut Grove; I contemplated joining for all of one minute until I remembered the traffic I would have to drive through just for the mere hope that a good looking, intelligent, straight Latino happened to want me at the gym. After considering that I realized, it'll really never happen. Where are the beautiful Latinos!? Lets be honest, if I find them, I'll learn Spanish.

The WS department slightly redeemed itself today by playing lots of John Mayer. I didn't want to do any work as a result but instead contemplate someone's body that is a wonderland.
Dana I thought of you and the last John Mayer concert experience. Krispy Kreme hats are attractive on everyone.

Quote of the day: "University of Florida: A place to leave home for" My addendum: Unlike FIU: the shithole of academia


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