Friday, October 29, 2004


I'll be glad to post pictures once they are available. As I went out this afternoon, I noticed something was on my car. Didn't really realize what it was until I got closer. Turns out, a Big Boston B was covering my Yankees sticker. I laughed my head off, but I think Lola was traumatized. Although my Problem informed me that the "B" actually increased the value of my car; I begged to differ.

Remember that time I was complaining about having decisions? Yep aint got to make none right now cause I aint got nuthin.

Manhattan is crazy tonight...its still bite mommy time. Let's hope she gets over this soon. Today she was trying to bite my ass...lets just say that isn't much attractive. At least when a cat with really sharp teeth is doing it!

This is the part where the title of the blog changes to "We shall overcome..." or perhaps "Swing low Sweet Chariot coming for to carry me home..."
Cause "early in da morning massa gots me workin when will massa set me freee?" Yeahh now the High Priestess Feminazi has decided I should be "available" regardless of whether or not she actually has work for me. Just call me her house slave; perhaps I'll just sleep at the foot of her bed in case she needs a cold glass of water in the middle of the night. Please...I really dont think she's a human being anymore. She also thinks that I'll work on Saturday for her....buuuulllllllllllshit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell no fool! She also invited me to a feminazi party...the lack of y-chromosomes just makes that inherently bad.

I'm miserable.

But I love you.


Blogger Dana B said...

I love you too! Does that make you less miserable? The fam was here and sooo excited that they made it on your blog.
Speaking of slave songs, I've been reading W.E.B DuBois. You should, too. His prose is kind of beautiful.
I heart you.
I heart your blog.

11:54 AM  

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