Thursday, October 21, 2004

Gurrrrr I'm a panther

enjoyed miami for two days/cynthia/cheesecake/finally finishing a bottle of wine/pool/tan/study/Yankees win/study/Yankees win/Study study study/Yankees lose lose lose/good work outs/sadness/study/unreasonable wait for a phone call/exam/kittah!

I'm going to be a mommy! On saturday. I pick up my very own kittah! Went to the Miami-Dade Animal Serivces today to pick out a kitty and pick up some cops. I managed to do one but not the other. You can guess which.

It's 87 here and its October 21. Crazy

What is it with the Miami tv shows that have two big old guys singing and a row of women in thongs dancing behind them?

And I love it when the WS people make comments that imply lesbian sex is inherently better than heterosexual sex. It makes me feel good about my life.



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