Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Gay marriage is the biggest threat to America.


What about Jerry Buck Inman, a repeat sex offender among which included kidnapping and rape, who viciously murdered a Clemson University college student? We can’t keep the most dangerous criminals away from our most precious resources?

Or have we forgotten about the exploding obesity epidemic, which affects approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, 60 million obese, and 9 million severely obese? According to the American Obesity Association, obesity and being overweight, and severe obesity is more prevalent in woman than in men, and the prevalence is higher in Mexican-Americans and Hispanics than Non-Hispanic Whites. And we aren’t worried about the fabric of America busting apart at our seams?

Maybe the issue of uncontrolled and unprotected borders. Maybe.

What about the slaughter of 12 innocent Iraqis at Haditha? Our Marines are off killing the helpless victims of an unjust war, unarmed women and children included. Yet this is not the biggest threat to our concept of justice, freedom, and democracy?

Or the HIV/AIDS crisis in America? Still fighting the stigma attached to such a devastating disease (while it has moved viciously into heterosexuals again and with a vengeance), still fighting those who are trying to find a cure, still fighting those who want abstinence-only education (instead of giving our young adults accurate information about STIs and HIV/AIDS, and telling them that safe sex is not only something they should feel okay asking for, but something that they deserve!).

How about the heterosexual divorce rate?

Or the fact that the federal government has not appropriately responded to Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans and other places in the Gulf are not even close to being rebuilt and reinforced, and we have another hurricane season on our hands?

How about our homeless and poor?

Bush telling immigrants to learn English….what happened to "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." I wish my immigrant family had taught me our native tongue.

And we’re worried about Gay Marriage. You’ve got to be kidding me.


Blogger Dana B said...

i. love. you.

when are we writing our book?

9:27 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Some people are told what is important. Some people do the telling. Others open their eyes.

4:19 AM  

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