Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Precious emails ;c)

an almost finished context paper
coffee as the protector from crappy parking situations
daily phone calls just to check in
unexpected but nice calls
subway and the chicken bacon ranch wrap

eat pray love.
and looking forward to it every night.
which last night brought the thought that I will actually re-read this book.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Some kind of tired

And hopefully not a lust-hormone overcome by benedryl induced sleep
slowly detoxing

my girlfriends ala Carrie before Paris dinner
true love

jack johnson helping the withdrawl
very early 90s drug commercials...
this is your brain...and this is your brain on firefighters (the cracked out unhealthy egg portion)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

One word...


starbucks therapy
an offer from a "surrogate george clooney"
giada and cooking
(i guess i should admit to it) nascar
and being able to say that tonight was absolutely 110% worth having to deal with last night

Saturday, May 26, 2007

We don't get to choose

what emotions we have and when we have them.
and so tonight
i hurt.
and i pray
and i love myself
and i wrap all the warm golden energy around me
so that when i hurt again, i will have taken care of myself
and i can be stronger to endure it the next time

Friday, May 25, 2007

book therapy

my new weekend ritual of Barnes & Noble
throwing on my dress just cause
cooking...really cooking
food network
you know i done gone and cleaned
looking good
being a grown ass woman

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm lastin 20 rounds and if you want me...

Come and get me now.
working out and actually liking it
and hearing "sweet dreams"
missy elliot

"But I'm not hearing you, you might as well be mumbling
See, I have dreams, and with a man, what will become of them?
There's not a kid out here who can make me believe
I should postpone my goals, he got tricks up his sleeve?
Whole bar full of cuffs and you ain't locking me down"

strong women...India.
finding my data again.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Vintage Andy Pettite is such a

And Classic Mo
not too bad either.

Pettite in Pinstripes

Andy Pettite....
have you seen that stare down, or the man's legs...thank you GOD for ESPN coverage when that man is pitching
Horrible data analysis...but I give thanks that I'm actually doing it
calls from the redhead
calls to my third baseman
raspberry latte that reminds me of my college days
old school (well ok not really but it is for me) rap
and jesus I gotta say it again

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Heal and Grow and Recreate and Raise and Nuture

Talking with Dana all day
Men and Sexy Boys and Men
giddiness and dancing around my apartment
Starting over.
the possibility of my super cool cousin coming to stay
commercials for the Starter Wife

Monday, May 21, 2007

And so it goes...

my brilliant moment resulting in finding jury duty was cancelled
my grill pan and cooking (somewhat) again
parents having fun in florida
coffee and raspberry syrup
men or boys or men
my Yankees

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

In defense

Uh HUH. That's right....its MASTER Jess to you!