Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Grateful part 2

he doesn't know what he's leaving
night night jess and kitty!

BEA4289: i realized today that contracts law is where its at if you want to make a difference in social values
ScarlettCat19: hahahahaha
ScarlettCat19: and you realized you didn't want to be a good person

brazil is nice
you rock really hard, actually
check the yellow pages for huggers

It just doesn't end does it?


Monday, November 29, 2004


Things I'm grateful for today...

A little Manhattan
professor evaluations
damn right its better than yours
the return of implicationless ballthrowing
leaving a message instead of the morning Miami call cause Sunshine is sleeping
two weeks left in the semester
realizing that I'm a survivor from way back
Alicia Keys ringtones
An offer of space/ride in a moving truck to Jacksonville, including bubble wrap

Saturday, November 20, 2004

"Plato's caves are full of freaks..."

So I’m sitting out on my balcony with a glass of wine and the people in an apartment kitty corner from me are having a party. It’s actually a remarkably well-behaved group tonight. Precious. Few. Of those come along in my life. Last night a rather heinous car alarm went off at 5am and woke me from my perilous state of sleep. I almost killed someone: well I would have if I a) was able to get out of my bed b) find a gun c) found the owner of the offending vehicle. But people, listen. If I this car alarm can wake me at 5am, chances are you can hear your damn car too. Go out and shut the thing off so you can save me from hating the world one morning. Cynthia would appreciate it too.

I have to admit, that I don’t hold much hatred towards Miami at the moment, so it is making it remarkably hard to tell you anything remarkable. Although I got an email from Tony and he called me out on a little behavioral confirmation I’ve probably been guilty of. He really said it best: "To that I can only say: Dorothy, my dearest Dorothy, you are NOT in Kansas any more. Florida, literally considering its location on the map, is a queer place, one betwixt the Lower South of Georgia and the Carolinas and the Deep South of Alabama, Mississippi, etc... It is neither here or there. It is truly Nether land. But, then again, maybe the problem is not the people of the sunshine state. Perhaps you are not getting enough sleep which may make you appear to be grumpy or unpleasant. :) Possible? Regardless, if you keep trying, friends will come."
His prose makes me wanna be a better person and writer (in that order).

I saw an amazing pair of fake breasts on Thursday. They almost knocked me over and considering this chick was about 5’1” it would have been quite a feat. Listen, silicone is not sexy. They may look great in a t-shirt (but they really don’t), but when you take the t-shirt off, it just can’t be pretty. I re-considered making the “These are REAL” t-shirt. I’d be glad to show you if possess a y-chromosome and you’re on my list.

Speaking of bodies, Eve Ensler has come out with another play, this time she’s reclaiming her stomach. Warning: this next commentary is without thorough research; take my words for what you think they are worth. The premise of the play is a 3 year journal she wrote with her stomach, which is the part of her body she really hat(ed/s). Eve, thanks for reclaiming our vaginas for the entire female population. I think we needed that (and probably still do); thanks for opening a dialogue about female sexuality which needed to be screamed from the mountain tops, from the Blue Ridge to the Alps. Thanks for telling us that men don’t control our lives or our pleasure and that we don’t need to look any further than ourselves to love ourselves and who we are. Thanks, really.

But enough already. Now every imperfection we think of can be attributed to patriarchy and the consumer culture. Boring. Not liberating. Not empowering. Really, for women who are secure with themselves (their imperfections as well) and have come to terms with themselves, where do you leave us? I can’t be the only one who cries out and says “You don’t need to deliver me from this world!” I’m not saying that we all don’t wish things were different with our bodies and ourselves. But on some level, some of us are able to accept it. What good does it do to attribute the whole of our problems to culture and the men who dominate it? I use the term dominate loosely. And I’m also not considering anyone outside the United States. I’m really just talking about normal women and their normal lives. Like us. But why? I’ve lived among a group of beautiful self-actualized women; I really can’t recall ever having an in depth discussion of our bodies or our beauty. (is that our failure?) I remember our discussions on what marriage means, on the importance of community, on philosophy, and a special ham manifesto. So, can Ensler’s new play really speak to the young women like us? Is it meant to speak to women like us? And for her to give us something as special as the Vagina Monologues, is it fair to leave us high and dry with this new play? But then, I’ll play Socrates and say I know nothing. You tell me.

Just a side thought from this commentary. I’ve learned that sometimes its better to not figure out why we behave the way we do. We can have all sorts of causes on all sorts of levels: from our conscious to the subconscious to the unconscious (forgive the slightly Freudian nature of the discussion…it was not intended). From Ensler’s stance, I exercise because I want to look good and impress the men of the world. Maybe so. Maybe it’s to stay healthy. Maybe I think my curves are sexy. Maybe so. Does it really matter? And if so, why? What do I gain from that insight.? Can I even distinguish between my own differential reasoning? Do I want to? And why do you wanna know?

Fact from the FN this week. It’s been shown that men’s quality of life increases when they marry but that women’s qol decreases when they marry. Sigh. Thanks. That helps me a lot too. What good does this kind of scholarship do? I can see it on some level; but something about that statement gives me the heebie jeebies, to be technical about it. Am I the only one who feels like that? Tell me, where should the scholarship go from here? What kind of scholarship empowers women and men? WS is a field which tends to attract a certain type of woman; does that introduce a bias? Does the field account for that? Am I missing something?

Boy, for someone who started out with a lack of something to say, I either said a lot or I wrote a lot of shit that doesn’t say a lot. Either way, this is your blog for the weekend and you better like it. Or else.

I love you. I love my breasts. I love men. I might even love Miami.

Or else that’s the wine talking.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


"Needing to protect your self now that is just a part of life
If you let your fears keep you from flying, you will never reach your height
To get to the top you must come back to the middle
When will we learn, to come back to the middle"

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Only in Miami...

Watching television a news pop-up comes on the screen to promote the 11 o'clock news.

"South Florida Porn Bus...tonight at 11"

And you ask me why I say there are no normal people in Miami...silly silly people.

Florida Sucks!


Okay so Miami isn't on the list (yet) but Florida is rated the 2nd Meanest State in the Union. I hate you Florida and your ass face!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

The wisdom of Dumbledore

"It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live."
-Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone

Dating and the Death Penalty

No I don’t believe the two are similar; I just don’t wanna blog twice. But let me finish the glass of wine first and I might be whistling a different tune.


He didn’t call. Not like I expected him to; frankly I didn’t believe him for one minute. Well maybe just one minute, I do after all, like to hold out hope even if the battle was lost from day one. I would have been a really great cheerleader for the Southerners at Gettysburg. “Don’t worry that you’re out-manned 3 to 1, forget that you’ve barely got enough ammo to defend your hometown, your leaders have no concept of strategery, and no Southern offensive battle has worked yet in the war. Go out there and give em all ya got boys!” Yep that would have been motivational.

I’ve decided that Problem #2 has now been buried and maybe even #1 is gonna get the old “heave, ho!” I’m trying. You’ve gotta give me that at least. So, in an effort to calm my much overworked neurotic neurons, I turned to the internet’s sources on “why didn’t he call?” I love how we’ve moved from “Honey, don’t worry about him, he’s just some lame ass loser who doesn’t know what he’s missing with your fiiine sexy self” to “Move on, no one will ever know why he didn’t, it might be something else but probably not you and he doesn’t even know himself” to “He’s just not interested in YOU.” Now if you followed my lecture on attribution theory, you’ll realize we’ve come a long way from attributing the loss to him---then to something similar to the context—to making negative attributions about yourself. And then we get the brand ass-spanking new book out by former consultants on Sex and the City (one a male and married, the other a female and so single---this book is scoring no points with me already) which details their witty theory on “it’s you---he doesn’t like you.” Okay. So at least it’s moving somewhat away from the just a tiny bit sickening “girls rule, boys drool” theory but ouch, it’s a bit harsh. Maybe I can buy into it for a little bit, but after repeated failures to score anything remotely close to a nice dinner or even coffee talk (well, to be fair maybe scoring human verbal interaction after the scoring—I do want my theory to be generalizable after all), I think a nice round of Zoloft would be necessary in order to prescribe to that theory. It’s okay to be like, “eh-maybe I don’t have good fashion sense” or “maybe I’m not funny enough for him” or “maybe it was a little too early to bring up my sock puppet fetish---maybe it was my sock puppet fetish!” once in a while. But making such negative attributions about yourself after the 6th failed attempt in a row can really get ya down. If this “You Suck” theory is true, then you’re moving into the “alpha(p-value) is less than .05” range that you actually didn’t just meet up with 6 guys in a row who weren’t your type. Maybe you do suck.

Here’s the deal. If the “YS” theory is right, then what’s wrong with me? Tell me, cause if it’s fixable, then I’ll fix it. If it’s an intrinsic part of my being then do I really want to fix it? Am I too intimidating? I promise, it’s not so when I’m naked. But I’m doing something right cause I have a great group of girlfriends who love me, including one who, in a fit from a John Mayer moment, proclaimed she’d have my babies. So I’m less inclined to think it is a fundamental aspect of me. But is it a mixture of my quirks and the situation (with a slightly greater weight on the situation)? I’m more inclined to think so. If this last comment is the case, then those bastards are making money off of an inappropriate attributional theory and making a whole bunch of people in the sucky ass world of dating feel really lousy about themselves. It’s fucking hard enough without someone telling you that there’s something wrong with you. It just doesn’t seem empowering. Do we always have to be realists? Can we be realists and be empowering or do we have to be delusional to be empowering? I should just start writing relationship theories and then I’ll be fucking rich. Go me.

Death Penalty.

Okay, so I’ve been requested to present my ideas on the Scott Peterson verdict (and upcoming penalty phase). I think the request was framed as follows “Oh jury goddess, please bestow upon us your ideas about the SP trial.” Here goes…

I have no idea what went on in that jury delib room. This was a weird ass case, to use the technical phrase of course, especially when they kicked off 3 jurors (2 of which were in the deliberation phase). Um hi, if that doesn’t scream mistrial or overturned conviction on appeal, I don’t know what does. Well actually I do, but I’ll save that for another night. Anyways, kicking off the foreman sucks. The man has a JD and MD; he took 19 notebooks worth of notes, and I’m gonna go with he actually paid attention during the trial and oh my gosh, has brain cells! Functional at that! The average juror has an 8th grade education and wants to a) go home so he doesn’t miss playing bridge at the old folks home or b) wants to get back to work so she can pay her bills on time. To say that the foreman was perhaps kicked off because he actually wanted to go through the evidence breaks me. I’m glad to see someone wanted to take his job seriously but that the Court only wanted a verdict. Good to know. I should pack up my bags and go home now because no one wants to actually have something work in the legal system. I never really liked Miami anyways and lets be honest, at least up North I’d have the remote possibility of getting laid by someone whose native language is English. I’m outta here like a fat kid in dodge ball.

No really. I hope that’s not the case, but I’d love to hear what the jurors thought about the whole process. Let me at them baby! The verdict was probably right, even though circumstantial evidence like that is kinda sketchy from a statistical pov. Think about this. What is the base rate in the US of husbands who cheat on their wives? Of those who cheat, how many of their wives turn up dead from circumstances suggesting a homicide? Of those who qualify under the last one, how many go fishing in the area where she turned up? How many dye their hair blonde, take money out of the bank, and head towards Mexico? Are these additive or independent of each other? What weight should we but more importantly do we give each piece? And is info like this enough to cross the threshold of RD?

As for the penalty phase, I’m going to be bold and predict a sentence of death. I think it is really hard to go from an argument of “It wasn’t me” to “well it still wasn’t me, but I was found guilty, so could you go easy on me and spare my life?” And with the same group of jurors who convicted Peterson, I think it’s silly to think that they’ll actually spare him. Consider the Andrea Yates trial (convicted of killing her babies)…her defense said, “Yes she did it, but here are reasons x, y, and z why you shouldn’t hold her responsible.” It’s so much easier to play with mitigating factors from the first day of voir dire than to do it at what amount to the very last minute when you hit the penalty phase. I’ll be waiting with bated breathe to see what goes on cause yall know how much juries turn me on! Whew!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


So this is what I'm believing right now....

"Hail to the light that my baby watches me
In the darkness of the window
I can hardly get to sleep
Wish for the hour that
The nighttime soon shall pass
And the morning dew will bring us
To a day our souls can last
Love has a reason
There's a meaning to the world
We're giving love
Situation candlelight
Enough to see the bits around you
But it's never very bright
Stare at a memory
You, through the grapevine, heard the truth
It's good to learn from your mistakes
But that only works in youth
Love has a reason
There's a meaning to the world
We're giving love
Restless minds; curtain calls follow fanfares
Troubled hearts; just a walk down the hall
Restless hearts; you take a punch just to land one
Troubled minds; it's only fair after all
Mountin, the trail, but you've got it in sight
Sometimes the only way is jumping
I hope you're not afraid of heights
Reach in my pocket for a bill that isn't there
And to face all of the undoings
Still isn't more than I can bear
Love has a reason
There's a meaning to the world
We're giving love
Giving love
Love, love
It's all been good to me
It's all been good to me
Love has reason
There's a meaning to the world
We're giving love"

Follow Through...

“This is the start of something good, don’t you agree?”

I’m 10 days away from my third month in Miami and I’m actually starting to deal with my life here. Of course, I’m writing this on a good glass of Riesling and after watching Someone Like You, but really I think this isn’t a comment resulting from merely a good feeling effect. It might actually be truth. But then again how can I be sure?

I had a psychology grad student moment today when I wanted to call the crazy ass R&B station I listen to in the morning, the Tom Joyner morning show to be exact, and tell them that they were making the fundamental attribution error. For those of you who have not had the good fortune of spending the thesis year with me, the FAE (as we like to call it) is the tendency to attribute outcomes to stable character traits while paying less attention to the context. We also make the FAE when examining our own as well as others behavior. So, when looking at our own behavior, we are more likely to attribute positive outcomes to internal stable character traits and negative outcomes to the environment. When we are looking at others behavior, we are more likely to attribute positive outcomes to the environment, and negative outcomes to internal stable character traits. So, they all made the FAE when they commented that the reason why the Jeopardy guy was winning so much (‘success’) was because the show was rigged (‘environment’). People. Where are the intro psych classes when you need them?

And then I realized I’ve been making it lately and that my whole attribution style is kinda fucked up. Where’s a good social proseminar when you need it!? I’ve been attributing my negative outcomes (ie: my complete failure with guys) to internal stable traits. Anyways, here’s where I go all Sex & the City on you. I realized that I’m too afraid. Of what, I’m not sure I can verbalize it. Maybe that I’m afraid I might actually be happy? Have I created behavioral confirmation? If that’s the case, then unconsciously I’m afraid of my life becoming topsy turvy, that I might actually lose control (which apparently I think I have right now?!) and I might be happy?! So that’s too much of a threat, so I react in subtle ways that make it so I don’t want anything to work out, which my target picks up on and responds in a way that signals to me it won’t work out, which means that I believe it won’t work out so it fails. Wow, if you kept up with that 75 points to you. Anyways, I get it and that’s a scary possibility. I mean, why can’t I call someone I’m terribly attracted to and even have external confirmation that we really connected? What was I so afraid of? Rejection? Or the possibility I might lose control? Lose focus? And be happy?—aye there’s the rub. Here’s the question—right now, this very moment, am I in control? Am I focused? And am I happy?

So what is it going to take to break me out of this? I think that we all self-handicap sometimes. Why do we do it and what are we losing when we do it? It could be something as simple as believing you are going to do poorly on an exam…(I’ll save you the psychological processes)…but you then perform poorly and something as complicated as self-handicapping your life and your future. Do we have that much insight to see what we are doing ever so subtly?

Anyways, that’s the thought for the night. I hope you enjoyed this psychology lesson. We need to ask ourselves why a little more often. But go easy on your psyche; our mind is the only one we got; and as much as we’d like to remove it (I’d quote the movie right now but I’ve had a glass of wine and I’m still not past my alcohol abstinent bachelor phase right now although I’m working on it) its gonna be there for a while and it’s the only one we got. I’ll help you go easy on yours if you help me go easy on mine.

Monday, November 08, 2004

For you reading enjoyment...

Yeah I don't have anything coherent to say.
I did prove my stupid ass social professor wrong today. Don't mess with Death Qualification Jess!
And I got a nice visit today.

So for you own enjoyment...
Grab the nearest book.
Open to page 109 (or 19 if your book is short).
Go to sentence 3 on the page.
Write it here!

"Setting out on a kiss caravan of the other's body, we map the new terrain with our fingertips and lips, pausing at the oasis of a nipple, the hillock of a thigh, the backbone's meandering riverbend."
-A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman

Saturday, November 06, 2004

"Just do it again...

…I may cry oh no no but do it again. My mom may scold me cause she told me it was naughty but then. Please! Do it again. Just do it again and again and again.”

I had so much fun with my Carrie Bradshaw moment last night that I couldn’t resist. I should add a cigarette to the act, but then I remembered she quit after meeting Adian. And let’s be honest, it doesn’t really get good til then, so why regress?

I’ve realized that my existence in Miami is a comedy of errors. Nothing normal can ever come of my life here, of that I am convinced. Tonight, since I had no received a phone call from Problem #2, I was slightly peeved (although it may have something to do with the little language barrier…are you seeing my point about normality yet?!) and decided that I really needed a chair for my balcony. Unlike the rest of the normal world, Miami is still terribly warm (well naturally since Hell rarely gets below a balmy 75 degrees) and so one could reasonably sit on her balcony even though it’s 10pm. I decided to go to Walmart, which even a 2pm on a Wednesday is a bad life decision, but I had already checked out Target which failed me miserably for the first time. I should have known better. So I can’t find patio furniture anywhere and I decide to be brilliant and check in the lawn and garden center which has now turned into Rockin Christmas Shit 2004. I ask the cashier a plain and comprehenable question: “Do you have any patio furniture?” She answers me in Spanish. “NO. Patio furniture?” Thinking at this point, if I wanted an answer in Spanish I would have asked the damn question in Spanish and which was precisely the reason I didn’t ask anyone wandering around the store because they looked seriously unable to answer in English. Her response, “Em, em, es para enero, no no diciembre, Christmas.” “So no furniture?” “No”. I left. It was too much for me. So I go to Home Depot, which screamed patio furniture. Sure enough I was right picked out a great chair, paid for it, brought it out to my car when the question just begged to be asked was asked, How the hell am I going to put this in Lola (the Corolla). I made some feeble attempts. It was pathetic. I was sure I was going to die until I thought of what Cynthia would tell me. She would surely say, Jess, you can do it. You don’t need a man, you’re crafty and going to find a way to get this chair into that car. Think of it as ‘character building moment’. Riiiiiiiiight. I call over a nice HD worker who is kind enough to help me figure out I sure as hell aint getting the damn thing in the backseat. He’s asking me all about my stickers on Lola…NY, W&M, and then FIU. I begrudgingly mention I’m a grad student at FIU and he asked me what I’m studying as we try to fit the thing into the trunk. I say “Legal Psychology.” He says I’m studying something similar to that. I ask him what it is, thinking you know maybe criminal justice or something. He tells me he’s studying physical therapy and wants to work in a hospital. When he mentions that he graduated from FSU and now is getting his MS at FIU I wanted to put him and the rest of the city in a hospital for stupidity. Then he starts talking about FSU football and asking me about W&M football, which I honestly don’t know that much about but has the nerve to point it out to me after he compared physical therapy to legal psych. Quality. It gets better. He then comments as to how he is going to FSU next weekend, not this weekend cause it’s the weekend right now mind you, to visit his girlfriend, but that they are telling him she’s cheating on him so he doesn’t know what he is going to do and has to decide if he wants a long distance relationship with her. At that point, I thank him and get into the fucking car. Yes, that’s right, its another night in Miami.

So my question is, this bizarreness, this element totally devoid of normality, is this just Miami? Or is it the real world? I have to have hope, so I’m going with just Miami on this one. Please make it stop.

CSI Miami has a show where a tidal wave threatens to obliterate Miami. If only life imitated art, I’d be gassin up Lola and packing up my life into my car (which we all know I can do) and driving north. Dana, I’m thinking I’d see ya in like 10-12 hours, so make my and Manhattan’s beds. Sigh.

As I recounted all of this to my mom tonight, she asked where Manhattan was. I said she was inside because I didn’t want her flying over the railing and then I’d never see her before. I commented, “Watch out flying cat. Watch out flying human. Oh nice Jess broke her arm that’s all she needs right now.” My mom mentioned that I’d get to meet the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue. I called for the cat. She said that even those men probably weren’t normal. I said that I’ve (again) gotta believe they have more functional brain cells than the rest of this place. But then again, brain cells aren’t necessarily what I’d need to be functioning properly.

But they really are. I just want some normal human contact. I want this Problem #2 to work out because I’ve got to believe that someone nice and normal and hot is gonna come my way soon. Dammit, I’ve survived long enough without that. And let’s be honest, I’m hot now too. “I seen you there, shakin that fiiiine ass!” In the Kanye West scheme of things I could pull me an NBA playa and shop every day on Rodeo Drive. But I’m not. Perhaps being the anti-skank has something to do with it down here. Cynthia, could you and Eugene come down here and explain the difference between the anti-skank and the anti-ho?

“Thanks to Kanye’s work out plan I’m the envy of all my friends. See I’ve pulled me a baller man and I ain’t gotta work at the mall again!”

Friday, November 05, 2004

My Carrie the crack whore moment

So Given a special request for a blog update, I’ve taken to two sugah cookies, the best Kittah in the world, and a glass of good Reisling. The wine make it just so Carrie Bradshaw, until I’m taken back into reality by having a fight with Manhattan over who gets to eat the cookies. She’s like her mommy and puts up a good fight. Speaking of mommies…

I got called “mami” today at Publix. It’s a very Miami-esque thing and I can’t say I like it. It connotes sexy young mami which I can’t really translate into English. It’s just awkward. Granted she was old enough to be my grandmother, but still. I guess at least it wasn’t a hot young guy…it screams out a bad Petey Pablo rap about how he likes to fuck his sexy “mamis.” Yep can’t do that. It would seriously kill anything I had for him…well lets be honest. I’d probably take issue with it, but I’m in Miami. I should take what I can get. To a certain point… But, I really don’t think I’m a pet name kinda girl. I don’t really think I’m a kinda girl. I mean there’s a certain seriousness that is just inherent in me. Oh! Thanks to the clothing god Carson, “mami” just oooooooozes SKANK. That’s why I don’t like it! Ha! I mean I’m okay with ho, but skank? That’s just too much.

I had a good moment at FIU today. I know, please don’t have a heart attack. Cynthia, you might wanna prepare yourself...sit down, maybe get a class of wine. I actually liked Miami for all of 10 seconds. Yep that’s right. What could make me like Miami you ask? You’re gonna love it. MIAMI DADE FIRE RESCUE. There were like 6 of them. Coming towards me. A WHOLE GROUP. It was like they were walking towards me in slow motion a la Baywatch babes, only they possessed the essential y-chromosome and they were firefighters. And then I thanked God that I spent 3 years in the real South cause I’m the nicest person on campus and I actually smile and say hello to people. PURRRRRR. Meow. And that wasn’t Manhattan. So I got to walk right by them and they said hello…go me. Needless to say, it was my happy heterosexual moment of the week.

Manhattan went to the vets today for a checkup. Turns out she’s probably only 10 weeks old and not 17. She’s a total baby!!! It was traumatizing…they attempted to shave her (to see if she had been spayed, which turns out is highly unlikely) and I hear this god-awful bloody murder scream from the other room. And like the mom who realizes the bad kid is her kid…I realize…that’s my Manhattan’s meow which slowly emerged from the curdling scream. Apparently she hated the noise, bit her own tounge, bit the technician, and pretty much threw a fit. She had to be cleaned off cause the technicians blood was everywhere. Yep that’s right. I’ve got the bad kid. I thought I’d be in trouble for the rest of the night, but she hasn’t wanted to leave my lap for it. I cant wait til next Friday though when she goes for her shots. Mwhaha. It’s a total Lynette moment from Desperate Housewives…the mom with the little monster(s). Ah. It’s the good life.

Oh that was gooood wine. Go me. I’m the fucking wine goddess. I’m actually working on a glass of wine, since I usually live the life of an alcohol abstinent bachelor. But tonight I’m trying to build up my tolerance so I don’t take my top off after two sips of a Malibu and Coke. If I can handle my wine, I can handle anything. Or I’ll just take my top off and might get lucky. Either way, wine is a good life decision.